Monday, July 9, 2012

Best Title I Could Come Up With: "What The Fuck?!"

Okay, so there are a lot of things in this world that make me go "What The Fuck?!" For instance the pending zombie apacolypse is one...but I'll shed more light on that later on. This is is for A.I.!
    I personally believe that A.I. is one of the WORST ideas that anyone has ever had. Seriously, do we need more movies about this to show that it's a bad idea, or maybe a "reality" show about it. That will bring in more viewers I'm sure. I read an article somewhere on the web the other day where Google was working on A.I. and the set up three computers and let them run on youtube for three days watching a combined total of 10 million videos. The computers then stated to identify cats all on their own. This has led me to two conclusions, one, wow we're gonna be super fucked up the ass soon and two, there are far more vidoes on the internet of cats than there should be. It's appauling. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE animals, but no one should ever waste any amount of time searching for cat videos. I'm off topic.
   What bought me to think about all of this was yesterday I was on my way to go see the movie Ted (I will be reviewing that next) and I saw a billboard that said "Robotic Surgery" now at *Enter Name of Hospital here.* And my mind went wild with ideas and scenarios in my mind.
    I get that there are great uses for the technology that we have, but there is a limit to what we should do with it. I'm sure all of the people now working on these things were the super dorks that watched Saved By The Bell to see Screech's robot. I don't remember much about it was like five maybe when the show ended.
And now they are making real robots and giving search engines A.I. again, WE ARE ALL FUCKED NOW!

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