Saturday, October 1, 2011

These Shows Need A Reunion Or Movie!

I was reading some articles online that were rumoring some shows from the 90's we're going to do a reunion, and all I could think was wow, that show was so bad why would anyone tune in for that? Then I started thinking about shows that were good enough for a reunion, but will probably never get one.

My first choice is Malcolm In The Middle. The show is about the Wilkerson family, complete with unruly boys Francis, (Christopher Kennedy Masterson) Malcolm (Frankie Muniz) Reese (Justin Berfield) and Dewey (Erik Per Sullivan) and crazy parents Hal (Bryan Cranston) and Lois (Jane Kaczmarek). These children wreck havoc on everyone and everything. They have pulled every stunt from ruining family  get together, to chasing off every babysitter they've ever had to pulled one over on teachers. No matter how old these boys get, their still pulling stunts and getting into trouble. I don't know where the writers came up with any of the material for this show, but this is a MUST see t.v. show! 

If there was ever a show in history that had warning about the show ending and the writers decided that they would ruin the show with a terrible ending it's Gilmore Girls. This was a beloved show by many, they may not have had ABC's "Lost" ratings but the fans were definitely loyal and deserved better. A movie that doesn't suck is definitely in order. There has been a lot of requests and talk about it, and up until recently it was all fans talking about it, now there is a chance it may happen and it really should. This show revolves around fast talking Lorelai Gilmore and her elegant and exceptionally bright daughter Lorelai "Rory" Gilmore in the small town they live in, Stars Hollow. Lorelai had Rory when she was 16 and decided to move out of he very wealthy parents home in Hartford CT and move to Stars Hollow, which is filled with colorful and off beat characters. Lorelai had a complicated relationship with her parents, Emily (Kelly Bishop) and Richard Gilmore (Edward Herrmann). She was not into the rich scene and thought she could do better on her own. The story opens up with Rory getting accepted into Chilton, a very prestigious prep school that Lorelai can't afford as she runs the local inn, The Independence Inn. Lorelai has to make a deal with her parents that she only sees or speaks to on major holidays. In exchange for paying for Rory's school, Lorelai and Rory have to do Friday night dinners with her parents until the loan is paid off. Along the way, you see that Loreali and Rory are extremely close, their the best of friends and they do everything together. Luke Danes (Scott Patterson) is one of the characters in the town, he owns a diner he so uniquely called "Luke's" where the Gilmores drink tons of coffee and order more food than one person should eat in a week for breakfast. Luke is very obviously in love with Lorelai but will never say anything. Other great characters include Kirk, (Sean Gunn) who is basically the town idiot and means well but creeps most people out and he works at ever establishment in Stars Hollow, Sookie St James (Melissa McCarthy) is Loreali's best friend and the cook of the Independence Inn and later her business partner, Taylor Doose (Michael Winters) is the Stars Hollow Town Selectman and also the owner of the only grocery store in town. He also annoys everyone and is VERY anal about permits and rules of the town. Christopher Hayden is Rory's flaky father, his visits are few and far between but no matter what is going on in the girl's lives and (David Sutcliffe) how stable things are when he shows up disaster strikes. All of these characters are very quirky and their interactions are genius. The show is full of small town charm, comedy and heart. Every episode is jammed packed with information due to the very fast dialogue. The ending wrapped things up but it was rushed writing and a huge let down to fans, especially those that had been watching from the pilot. So here's hoping a movie will actually be made!

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